What is Mutual Aid?

What is Mutual Aid? The Power of Community Support & Solidarity

Mutual aid is about people stepping up for each other, sharing what they have—whether it’s time, resources, or care—without waiting for permission from institutions or relying on traditional charities. It’s built on solidarity, not a giver-receiver relationship. Everyone involved plays a part, & the effort is about equality, not charity. Covering a neighbor’s rent or sharing a meal has a bigger impact than donating to some millionaire's campaign or a big-name charity.

Mutual aid starts with the community itself, driven by the needs of the people who live there. It’s about neighbors taking care of one another, whether through offering rides, sharing meals, or helping with childcare. The core idea is that everyone has something to offer, & when people work together, the whole community benefits.

The effects go deeper than just meeting immediate needs. Mutual aid builds real connections, creating trust & a sense of shared responsibility. It’s not about handing down help—it’s about standing together, each person contributing to the collective well-being.

When institutions fail to provide, mutual aid steps in. It’s a way for communities to take care of their own in a direct, lasting way, filling the gaps left by systems that often ignore those most in need.

Articles on Mutual Aid

Here are some articles that explore Mutual Aid in greater depth:

Solidarity, Not Charity: Mutual Aid’s An-archic History - This article explores the distinction between mutual aid & charity, emphasizing how mutual aid is rooted in solidarity & direct community support rather than hierarchical assistance. It highlights the historical & contemporary relevance of mutual aid in social movements​.

Mutual Aid Is Essential to Our Survival Regardless of Who Is in the White House - Published by Truthout, this piece discusses the enduring importance of mutual aid in various activist movements, particularly within Black & Indigenous communities. It emphasizes mutual aid as a crucial element in building resilient & self-sustaining communities.

Dean Spade on How Mutual Aid Will Help Us Survive Disaster - In this article from In These Times, Dean Spade provides a comprehensive look at how mutual aid can be a powerful tool for community survival & resilience, especially in the face of disasters. The article also discusses the intersectionality of mutual aid efforts​​.

What Is Mutual Aid (And How Can It Build Power) - This Current Affairs article breaks down the fundamental aspects of mutual aid, contrasting it with charity & explaining how it builds power within communities. It also provides practical insights into organizing mutual aid efforts effectively​.

Mutual Aid Proves Essential to Organizing Work - This piece from Giving Compass highlights the critical role mutual aid plays in movements like StopCopCity & climate justice activism. It discusses how mutual aid fosters economic solidarity & supports broader social movements​.

Books on Mutual Aid

If you’d like to dive further, below are some books to consider. The books link out to our Bookshop, we recommend Thrift Books, & if you need to, Amazon - these affiliate links support our work at no extra cost to you. ❤

Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution” by Peter Kropotkin — A foundational text that explores the role of cooperation in human & animal evolution, challenging the notion of survival of the fittest.

Mutual Aid: Building Solidarity During This Crisis (and the Next)” by Dean Spade — This book is essential for understanding how mutual aid operates in modern contexts, particularly during crises like the COVID-19 pandemic. It provides actionable strategies for organizing mutual aid efforts, emphasizing solidarity, direct action, & the importance of grassroots movements. You can read it for free at The Anarchist Library.

Decolonizing Wealth: Indigenous Wisdom to Heal Divides and Restore Balance” by Edgar Villanueva — This book delves into how mutual aid & redistribution can address systemic inequalities, drawing on Indigenous wisdom & practices.

The Revolution Will Not Be Funded: Beyond the Non-Profit Industrial Complex” edited by INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence — A collection of essays that critique the limitations of the non-profit model & advocate for mutual aid as a more effective means of social change.


Solidarity Economics: Why Mutuality and Movements Matter” by Chris Benner & Manuel Pastor  — This book examines how mutual aid & solidarity economics can transform local communities & create sustainable, equitable economies.

Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice” by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha  Focuses on how mutual aid & collective care practices are essential for disability justice, offering practical examples & visionary ideas for creating inclusive communities.

Mutual aid highlights the real power of people coming together to support one another. By focusing on sharing & working collectively, it offers a way to meet urgent needs while also tackling bigger, long-term issues. This approach doesn’t just help individuals—it brings communities closer, building stronger connections that are vital when facing tough times. As social & economic challenges continue, mutual aid proves how grassroots efforts can create lasting, fair solutions for everyone.


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